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Green technology with Google

Green technology with Google

Sustainability is not a concept but a mindset

Each year, the effects of climate change become more apparent. In 2018, sustainable development and economical use of energy and resources are going to be the main challenges which companies will have to face.

Google takes the lead in finding solutions for these challenges. And g-company, as Google Premier Partner, gladly provides you with the tools and training necessary to make the leap to a more environmentally conscious way of working. This means you can take steps towards a better future, without necessarily having to sacrifice growth and innovation.

For instance: by moving to cloud-based applications like G Suite, companies can not only sharply reduce their carbon emissions, but also their IT energy use, by up to 85%. And simply switching to GMail instead of facilitating all emails on inhouse servers, can reduce the impact of emitted greenhouse gasses by almost 98%.

On top of that, Google datacenters are not only more energy efficient than most inhouse configurations, but also make use of renewable energy where possible. The datacenters in Eemshaven in the Netherlands, for instance, make use of wind energy. And: around 36% of the servers being used are refurbished. Instead of piling onto the e-waste mountain, Google deliberately chooses to invest in existing servers. Pretty neat, no?

And such a proactive commitment to a better planet? It is contagious, of course! For example, companies such as UK-based Lush, already known for their green approach, have teamed up with Google to make the conscious switch to the cloud. Precisely because Google keeps taking up the challenge to keep offering the same great service, without having to increase their ecological footprint. Moreover, what you save as a company on costs (think of server management, maintenance, …) you can immediately invest in green initiatives. In this way, Google provides you with the tools to join them in facing the major challenges of our time and to continue innovating.

Going green, the Google way.

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g-company continues as Xebia!

As of April 1, 2023, g-company continues as Xebia. Consequently, the content on this website will no longer be updated. For the most recent content, please visit the 'Cloud-First Workplace' section on the Xebia site.