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Office files in Google Drive, why not?

Office files in Google Drive, why not?

You may have heard us say it before: we believe in freedom of choice.

You don't have to 100% opt for Google Workspace, if that doesn't suit your organization or position. Or if you work a lot with external parties.

(Although we strongly believe in and recommend to go for a real cloud-first workplace 😉)

For example, many of our customers also use Word documents in addition to Google Docs. In the past, using them side by side was not very user-friendly, but thanks to a new functionality in Google Drive, it has been made a little easier to work in a hybrid work environment.

Office-formatted files
When opening files in Office format, it is always visible at the top of the screen that it is a Microsoft document, by means of the addition .DOCX, .XLSX or .PPTX.

Also, possible compatibility issues are displayed with a warning symbol in the Office format, for example if certain Office features are not available.

By clicking on the Office icon at the top, you are able to view or restore previous versions of the document, the spreadsheet or the presentation.

With functionalities like these, working with different work environments becomes a lot more pleasant and productive. We are happy with it, how about you?

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g-company continues as Xebia!

As of April 1, 2023, g-company continues as Xebia. Consequently, the content on this website will no longer be updated. For the most recent content, please visit the 'Cloud-First Workplace' section on the Xebia site.