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Privacy­verklaring g-company

g-company is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement.

Last update: 1 April 2019

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Privacy statement g-company

g-company is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement.

Last update: 1 April 2019

1. contact details

g-company bv
Atoomweg 50
3542 AB Utrecht
+31 30 711 09 40

2. Omgang met persoonsgegevens

Privacy-sensitive data, or personal data, is processed through our website. g-company considers careful handling of personal data of great importance. Personal data are therefore carefully processed and secured by us.

In our processing we adhere to the requirements of privacy legislation. This means, among other things, that:

  • wij duidelijk vermelden met welke doeleinden wij persoonsgegevens verwerken. Dat doen wij via deze privacyverklaring;

  • wij onze verzameling van persoonsgegevens beperken tot alleen de persoonsgegevens die nodig zijn voor legitieme doeleinden;

  • wij u eerst vragen om uitdrukkelijke toestemming om uw persoonsgegevens te verwerken in gevallen waarin uw toestemming is vereist;

  • wij passende beveiligingsmaatregelen nemen om uw persoonsgegevens te beschermen en dat ook eisen van partijen die in onze opdracht persoonsgegevens verwerken;

  • wij uw recht respecteren om uw persoonsgegevens op uw aanvraag ter inzage te bieden, te corrigeren of te verwijderen.

In this privacy statement we explain which personal data we collect and use and for what purpose. We recommend that you read it carefully.

3. Persoonsgegevens die wij verwerken

g-company processes your personal data because you use our services and / or because you provide them yourself. Below you will find an overview of the personal data we process:

  • Name, address, city

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • IP address

  • Specific information you provide to us yourself

These data are only processed based on the stated goals and principles in section 4.

4. For what purpose and on what basis do we process personal data?

g-company processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Sending our newsletter

  • To be able to call or e-mail you if necessary to carry out our services

  • To inform you about (changes to) our services and products

  • g-company analyzes your behaviour on the website to improve solutions or the site, to analyze trends and to improve the solutions or website.

Contact form and inquiry form

Through our website we offer the option to submit a contact form and to ask questions through an inquiry form. You will be asked to enter various data so that we can handle and / or answer your question. You choose which information you provide. The data you send us will be kept for as long as necessary for its complete answering and processing.


We regularly distribute a newsletter in which we share information on IT related matters, including relevant laws and regulations, market developments, market researches, related products and/or services of g-company and third parties. You can subscribe on the website. Your email address will be automatically added to the list of subscribers and each newsletter contains an unsubscribe link.

Other contact

Besides through our website, we can inform you on our products and services through:

  • Regular mail

  • Email;

  • Social Media;

  • Phone

5. How long do we keep personal data?

g-company does not store your personal data longer than strictly necessary for the purposes for which your data was collected.

  • Customers, contract term, then a maximum of 24 months

  • Website visitors, maximum 3 months

  • Newsletter, until the moment of unsubscribing

  • Contact form details, to deal with a question or issue.

The data will be erased when it is no longer needed for the purposes for which your data was collected, unless there is a legal obligation that requires longer retention (such as the seven-year fiscal retention obligation for payment data).

6. Sharing personal data with third parties

g-company shares your personal data with carefully selected third parties if this is necessary for the execution of the agreement and / or to comply with any legal obligation. We conclude a data processing agreement (DPA) with companies that process your data on our behalf to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. g-company remains responsible for these processing operations.

7. Cookies and similar techniques we use

g-company uses functional, analytical and tracking cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the browser of your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit our website. g-company uses cookies with a purely technical functionality. These ensure that the website works properly and that, for example, your preferred settings are remembered. In addition, we place cookies that track your surfing behavior so that we can offer personalized content. On your first visit to our website, we have already informed you about these cookies and asked for permission to place them. You can opt out by setting your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies.

Google Analytics and Salesforce Pardot

We use Google Analytics and Salesforce Pardot to track our website’s visitors’ behavior. We have concluded a DPA with Google and Salesforce that contains agreements about the handling of our data. Furthermore, we have not allowed Google to use the obtained Analytics information for other Google services and we have IP addresses anonymized.

8. View, adjust or delete data

You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data from our records. You also have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data by g-company. You can also submit a request to transfer data that we use with your permission, or indicate that you want us to restrict the processing of personal data.

U kunt een verzoek tot inzage, correctie, verwijdering, gegevensoverdraging van uw persoonsgegevens of verzoek tot intrekking van uw toestemming of bezwaar op de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens sturen naar

Om er zeker van te zijn dat het verzoek tot inzage door u is gedaan, vragen wij u zichzelf adequaat te identificeren. We reageren zo snel mogelijk, maar uiterlijk binnen vier weken, op uw verzoek.

9. How do we protect personal data?

g-company neemt de bescherming van uw gegevens serieus en neemt passende maatregelen om misbruik, verlies, onbevoegde toegang, ongewenste openbaarmaking en ongeoorloofde wijziging tegen te gaan. Als u de indruk hebt dat uw gegevens niet goed beveiligd zijn of er aanwijzingen zijn van misbruik, neem dan contact met ons op via

10. Changes in this privacy statement

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy statement. It is recommended that you consult this privacy statement regularly so that you are aware of these changes. You also have a right of complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (ex Art. 13 (2) (d) GDPR).

g-company continues as Xebia!

As of April 1, 2023, g-company continues as Xebia. Consequently, the content on this website will no longer be updated. For the most recent content, please visit the 'Cloud-First Workplace' section on the Xebia site.