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What motivates professionals?

What motivates professionals?

The new organisation

Daniel Pink explains this in detail in his book ‘Drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us’. The book is well summarised in a 10min video. Large (and small) consultancy organisations are doing it all wrong. Mandatory tasks and external financial incentives: so old-fashioned. According to Daniel Pink: 

“Organisations should not use external motivators for creative (knowledge-intensive) right-brain tasks, but rather for mechanically routine tasks.”

The new approach consists of three essential elements:

  1. autonomy: the will to be the conductor of our own life;
  2. mastery: the need to become better at something important;
  3. purpose: the desire to do something greater than ourselves.


The new way of working together

New technology makes it possible: working together in a new way. Literally together on the same page. Working together in the same Google Doc. Or on the same Salesforce opportunity or campaign. Not sending each other emails with attachments, but communicating project-oriented with Chatter. Working as a team in the same object. Strengthen and complement each other. No information is lost. Everyone is in his or her power. You do what you are good at and what gives you energy. Others complement you from their strengths.


Working together in a high performance team

That is g-company.

All our consultants are independent professionals, no one is the boss. We work together in a partnership, as a cooperative, a guild of professional brothers. We commit ourselves to a cause and to each other. Before we accept a project, we have discussed with the team how we are going to tackle it. Who plays what role. How we calculate. What we expect from the customer.

We are intrinsically motivated to do our work well. Because that’s what we’re here for: to work together in a high performance team. And to make the world a little better and more beautiful by the way we work together. With each other and with our customers.

We use new technology to empower people and organisations!

If you are a professional Salesforce consultant and want to work with autonomy in a team of professionals, would you like to brainstorm with us about this?

Feel free to contact Balt Leenman,, 0652869224, @bleenman.

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g-company continues as Xebia!

As of April 1, 2023, g-company continues as Xebia. Consequently, the content on this website will no longer be updated. For the most recent content, please visit the 'Cloud-First Workplace' section on the Xebia site.